After Icinga2 is all setup.
- Install nagios via yum or apt get
apt-get install nagios-plugins
yum install nagios-plugins-snmp.x86_64
- Add the following
apply Service "Check temperature " for (config in host.vars.temperature) { import "generic-temperature-check" check_command = "check_temp" vars.hostname = config assign where host.vars.temperature }
- Add the following to
object CheckCommand "check_temp" { import "plugin-check-command" command = [PluginDir + "/check_snmp"] arguments = { "-H" = "$hostname$" "-o" = "$temp_oid$" "-c" = "$temp_critical$" "-w" = "$temp_warning$" "-P" = "$temp_version$" "-C" = "$temp_community$" } }
- Edit the
file to include the new host to monitor.object Host "" { import "generic-temperature-check" address="" vars.hostname="" vars.temperature = "" vars.temp_critical= ["90","90"] vars.temp_warning= ["80","80"] /* APC temp oid codes, these may need to be changed */ vars.temp_oid = ["", ""] vars.temp_version="1" vars.temp_community="communityName" vars.notification["mail"] = { groups = [ "icingaadmins" ] } }